Pharma stands for Bachelor of Pharmacy. There is a 4-year undergraduate degree called the Bachelor of Pharmacy, or B. Pharma is for people who are interested in learning how to make pharmaceuticals. The history of the pharmacy profession or practice in India starts with the opening of a chemist shop in 1811 by Scotch M Bathgate in Kolkata. This was probably the beginning of pharmacy practice in India. Prof. Mahadeva Lal Schroff is known as the Father of Pharmacy Education in India because he steered the field of pharmacy in the correct direction and inspired several generations of pharmacists. There are two main Pharmacy courses available to those interested in pursuing a career in the pharmaceutical industry; Bachelor in Pharmacy (B. Pharm) and Diploma in Pharmacy (D. Pharm) at the undergraduate level, and Master in Pharmacy (M.Pharm), and Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D).

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